We all took the train to London and met up at TT LIQUOR in Shoreditch to attend our first Cocktail Masterclass. After a few small beer cocktails at the Red Lion round the corner we made our way up to the beautifully appointed cocktail masterclass classroom with its four separate bars complete with everything we needed.
On arrival we were given COCKTAIL NUMBER ONE. Having supped on that we moved to make COCKTAIL NUMBERS 2, 3 ,4 AND 5. Having drunk all those we then had the team competition where we made COCKTAIL NUMBER SIX. Now not many people can drink 6 cocktails, and neither did we......................
To see why you need to watch the video.
As you can see it was a smashing final to the competition!!! Great fun as always. We can highly recommend the venue and you can see them at TTLIQUOR.CO.UK. £45 a head for the two hour course. Great entertainment and a shedload of booze included.
And finally a scary photo - TWO PETE'S - Watch out Peter, Pete's behind you mate. Oh and Gary, that's not a good look either, I think your heads gone wide again!! All done by our kind instructor who doesn't have a clue how to take a panorama. When it says speed up you have to SPEED UP. Not to worry, it made for a fine final foto.