This time we were hosted by The Wright Event at Ashtree Farm www.thewrightevent.co.uk

Not everyone in the group shot above participated, just like the Paintball several of our members have developed a slight element of - what shall we call it? - maybe 'fear of the unknown', which leads to a myriad of excuses and late arrivals, once again just so they can steal the beer. Oddly enough the non drivers not only saved themselves £100 a head meeting surcharge, they also saved themselves getting soaked to the skin and covered in good old Kentish mud.
No matter - the drivers had a ball!!
We drove three different types of car, and were always in the competent hands of the extremely experienced instructors who gave us a pretty fair amount of leeway. The cars were as follows......................

A most entertaining afternoon was had by all. It was, as usual, a competition between the three teams. As usual the team that Henslow was in won (Gary, Andy, Derek, Chris, Brian) and as usual there was a spirited, yet ultimately wasted, attempt to overthrow the result. Plain jealousy, plain bad sportsmanship, it was always going to be our team that won - just suck it up!!
When you've got a team like ours. CHRIS above in the rally, DEREK, lower left ready to rock and roll, GARY covered in victory mud, and ANDY posing for all he is worth. What chance do the others have????