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AGM HVAR - Programme and AGM agenda

Writer's picture: Brian HenslowBrian Henslow

To save members wandering around in a daze all weekend, not sure what's happening, when to be down in the lobby, what to wear, worrying if GASS has any money, fretting about fees - HERE IS THE ANSWER...............



Meet in the hotel lobby one hour after we check in for the first ever GASS CAPS AUCTION. On sale are 22 top quality original Beechfield caps with the new 2024 GASS logo. Follow the instructions on the form below and put the colour you yearn for most on the GASS AGM Whatsapp group. The most popular colour goes up for auction first. Reserve £10, bids in £5 lumps (£/E the same). Anything raised over the costs of £200 goes straight to the GASS kitty.

22 different colours, so one for every member. Ray, Stuart and Chris get the leftovers. GET BIDDING FOR THE COLOUR THAT BEST SUITS YOU!!!


ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING VENUE AND DAY:  It remains to be decided WHERE we hold the AGM in Hvar.  Members are requested to search for a likely location that seats 19 for lunch or dinner.  The options of WHEN are probably either SUNDAY or MONDAY EVENING or TUESDAY LUNCHTIME.  This is because Saturday would be too soon, Sunday we are sailing (although Sunday night is a possibility), Monday day we are probably occupied so lunch may not be available.   DISCUSSION REQUIRED


Check in the down the bar for the GASS CAP AUCTION.

Into town to check out HVAR, probably in groups as 19 is a BIG group, be on the lookout for future lunch and dinner spots.


Free day all day and evening.


Meet at the dock at 10.15 dead. full days sailing, back at 18.30.

Bring 80E cash per head. If you fail to show you still OWE 80E! Someone will pay on your behalf and you must pay them back.

Bring some beers as none provided.

ITINERARY: Depart at 10.30, sail east down the coast to Borce or Zarace beach for a swim stop. Sail west to Palmizana Beach for lunch at 2.30 at Bacchus. At around 4.30 sail east again to stop at Mlinin Beach (Mamato Bar) at then home by 18.30. Route subject to change.

The evening is free (possible AGM dinner option).


Free day all day and evening.

ELECTRIC BIKE RIDE ANYONE? The hills behind Hvar are lovely and there is a nice electric bike ride, steep up, long fast downhill back, about 25k, stop for lunch halfway, great on powered bikes if anyone fancies it. Check it out there.

MONDAY evening is another AGM dinner option.


Check out by 11.00. Leave luggage at hotel. Off for lunch. Possible AGM lunch?

The transfer to the airport is from the hotel dock at 16.00 sharp.



DRAFT AGENDA - Feel free to add stuff at the meeting!


APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE:  The turnout of 19 for this year is excellent, only Chris, Ray and Stuart not able to make it.


ACCOUNTS:  Ron will no doubt give a full report on the year but in essence the situation is as follows:


SUBSCRIPTIONS:            22 collected of £480, total £10560 – everybody paid on time!

MEETINGS:                         11 Meetings – 4@£800, 4@£1000, 3@£1200 – total £10,800

                                                Cost of meetings = £10,522  Surplus £278.  An actual surplus!

Deduct some website costs and that meetings cost a bit more than fees

                                                Surplus brought forward from 2023 - £5787

SURPLUS carried forward £5608


So the new meetings method worked a treat!  Slight surplus and no budgetary issues.  Still got £5,608 in assets.  No pressure on the £40 fees.


OFFICERS:  Brian Henslow proposes Owen Brunning as Chairman after such a successful year.  Owen brings to the role the right mixture of humour, discipline and piss taking.   Ron has indicated his agreement to continue in the role of Financial Director,  Brian has indicated his agreement to continue in his role as C.E.O.  DISCUSSION AND VOTE REQUIRED 


MEETINGS:  The new method was on trial for a year and Brian Henslow proposes it be continued for another year.  It successfully spread the load, bought in some great meetings, stopped members taking the piss on costs and came in dead on budget.   DISCUSSION AND VOTE REQUIRED


To mix it up a bit I propose that we use B11 members as the main men again as they are also in the main the hard core members, but redraw the months and the meeting partners.  The months will be predetermined as to meeting type, rather than leave it to chance.  More Pub meetings in the winter, more Entertainment and Away in spring and summer.


The draw would be as follows:

B11 MEMBERS EACH GET DEALT A MONTH BY THE CHAIRMAN.  Graham, Owen, Gary, Hugh, Brian, Nick, Tony, Ron, Wayne, Andy, Ian.

B11 MEMBERS EACH GET DEALT A PARTNER BY THE CHAIRMAN.  Steve, John, Phil C, Ollie, Keith, Pete, Stuart, Ray, Phil R, Len, Chris.


MONTH                2023       MEETING                                             PROPOSED FOR 2024

OCT                        PUB       Babasheesh                                      PUB

NOV                       PUB       Rose & Crown                                    PUB      

DEC                        AWAY   Christmas at Pride                       AWAY

JAN                        PUB       Tumeric                                                PUB

FEB                        PUB       Park Gate                                            ENTERTAINMENT

MAR                      ENT        Spain on boat                                    PUB

APR                        AWAY   Spitfires                                               AWAY

MAY                      ENT        Pedalos                                                ENTERTAINMENT

JUN                        ENT        Learn DJ skills                                    ENTERTAINMENT

JUL                         AWAY    War of the Worlds                         AWAY

AUG                      ENT        Wine Tasting                                      ENTERTAINMENT




BUDGETS:  Ron has suggested that if we continue to run a ‘balanced budget meeting system’ as above, then the need for the £5,000 cash cushion diminishes.  Ron’s suggestion is that we increase the budget for all meetings by £100, drawing down an additional £1,100 a year from the £5600 carried forward.  At that rate we would have five years before we had to reconsider.           The new budgets would be PUB £900, ENTERTAINMENT £1,100, AWAYDAY £1,300.  DISCUSSION AND VOTE REQUIRED


MEETING IDEAS:  It might be helpful for members to throw into the ring any spare ideas they may have for meetings in 2024/25 to assist organisers.




And there you have it folks, all on your phones, all accessible. The marvels of modern science! Final reminder. Henslow Tours have done their best., but fate is a fickle mistress, and lots can go wrong on any tour. Please direct your complaints to the Croatian responsible, please direct only fulsome praise to your Henslow Tours rep, who I would remind you is called Brian.







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