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  • Writer's pictureBrian Henslow

JUNE - How to be a Disc Jockey Class.

Updated: Aug 12

Another Docklands visit and a totally new concept. Learning to fade out. Something moving up the agenda for several GASS members in the coming years. Have I misunderstood 'fade out'?

Organised by Ian, seen above giving it large at the decks, this was a totally new concept for GASS. Quite an achievement after 42 years, finding something new that is, something never before attempted. Alright, not dangerous unless you lick the electrical sockets, but NEW.

So kudos to Ian for that alone.

GASS members, many of who need a new career, the lazy retired bastards, were fascinated. Just look at the wonder in John and Ollie's faces. To learn a new skill was a revelation at this time of life. To learn how to fade one tune out whilst fading another tune in was amazing. I call them tunes in an old fashioned way you realise, I know they aren't called that now (although what the hell they are called in the modern indium escapes me). It was pointed out that in our day a DJ's didn't fade anything in or even out, they just yelled "great platter from the Hollies, next comes a banger from the Beatles", and wacked on another record with a hissing scratching sound as the needle hit the deck of the Dancette.

But time moves on and so we now know how to fade. I've been doing it none stop since the lesson, with two Dancette's and a set of cans. Actual cans, with string.

After our skills course we set off up the hill to a lock-in at The KGV for beers and a lovely supper. I say lock-in, not strictly true as everyone left by 9.30, a bit of a new GASS tradition, sadly.

Well done Ian, a new skill, a great meeting, and once again - all on budget! Much praise to the new meeting system.

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